Using a powerful age old ayurvedic formula that has for centuries brought relief for the 18 diseases and sicknesses related to catarrh, including headaches, dizziness, heaviness of the head, sore, tearing and itchy eyes, declining vision, onset of cataract, falling and greying hair, sneezing, bad breath, colds, phlegm, receding, dissolving and bleeding gums and ear infections, Sanjeewaka Catarrh Relief Oil combines nika leaves, ginger, pepper, long pepper, black cumin, cumin, cloves, nutmeg, wasa-vasi, cinnamon bark and akrapatta to bring ultimate relief. The oil can be used by those of any age on the head, for steam inhalation, around the ear or in any other way. It also helps eliminate stress, prompting relief and a good night’s sleep. Contains natural fragrances